Activating the light codes of our hearts

If you believe that you are something more than your body, if you feel that the Essence of your Being resides inside yourself, and if you perceive that there is a Consciousness higher than your own, a Consciousness which manifests the Universe, then you will also be able to accept that you form a part of that Consciousness.

This Universal Consciousness is also known as the Great Light, because this is what we are: beings of Light.  This is our essence, eternal source and truth. We also have a heart* of light, which is our Koraluz.  Koraluz is the conjunction of two Spanish names which means heart of light.

We are born with an activated Koraluz.  As we grow up and ego and reason start to function, our Koraluz enters into a kind of hibernation phase, but it remains in us, ready to be activated and bloom again.
The Koraluz has a function similar to a cars battery. The car needs the battery to operate, just as we need the heart to feel and share. If the battery does not work for an extended period of time, it loses its strength and turns off.  However, if it is activated by connecting it with another battery it will start functioning immediately.

The same happens with our Koraluz. When the light codes of the heart are activated, as we connect with the Koraluz of the Feminine Energy of the Universe, it starts functioning immediately, in turn activating the light codes of our entire body.  This gives us an experience of deep peace, love and joy. Your emotional wounds will disappear, because the light of true love leaves no room for negative feelings.  Love purifies.

It is enough only one activation of our Koraluz.  Once activated it will be your responsibility to keep it 'running'.  You will get a very simple method to reactivate your Koraluz yourself as many times as you wish and wherever and whenever you want. The more you reactivate, more intense it will become. You will feel the positive results in your daily life.

You can also continue receiving activations from the Koraluz Activators if you desire.

Koraluz activation takes place via a certified Koraluz Activator who has been trained personally by Rabiya.

(*) to differentiate from the normal heart, the light heart is written in bold letters.

Training for Koraluz Activators

We normally believe that we need the other in order to feel love.  This is an incorrect assumption that has created so much suffering in humanity.  Now it is time to realize that the love we are longing for is only found in our very Source, inside ourselves in our Koraluz. Only when we rest at peace with ourselves will we be able to reach the other and share our overflowing loving Source.  This is Koraluz, the expansion of our heart, which comes out of abundance, not out of need.  This is the Real Love we are made of.  Live it and share it.

If you have the longing to serve, to help, to share with others, becoming a Koraluz Activator will help you accomplish that. Feel the love that emerges from within yourself without conditions or reasons, and share it with all that surrounds you: human beings, animals, plants,  earth, air, water, and the whole universe.

During this workshop your Koraluz will be activated.  You will also receive this beautiful gift given to all of us from the Universal Divine Feminine - you will learn to transfer it to others.  You will become a Koraluz activator so you can share it with your family, friends and colleagues, helping humanity to heal its emotional wounds and bringing more joy, love and harmony to all of us.

Integrating the masculine & feminine

The intention of this workshop is to rediscover and accept the combined expression of the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine inside us, and to create balance and mutual respect between the genders.

Thousands of years ago, a polarity of consciousness was introduced that created a separation between the masculine and the feminine. The result has been a suppression of the intuitive and feminine aspects of the human mind and soul.

The pain associated with this separation has created a long-standing conflict between men and women that often results in unbalanced, distorted relationships.

In these intense and changing times, part of our growth is to support each other in becoming aware and build a harmonious and joyful relationship between the masculine & feminine, between man & woman.

During this workshop, we will go through rituals and ceremonies to energetically transform our own past in a positive, harmonious way, as well as the past of our ancestors. Afterwards we will recognize and rediscover our feminine and masculine side.  We will conclude with a unifying ceremony of self-recognition, honoring and celebrating the divine feminine and divine masculine that exists in each of us.

This workshop is addressed to men as well as to women. If you want to enjoy harmonious respectful relationships, you need to start with yourself. If you are harmonious within yourself, you will reflect it in your connection with others.

For more information please contact:
Rabiya Saito